Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 3: Quiz is up

The Day 3 set of VisualZ is online.
This set of questions is about flags - Not all of them are National Flags :)
We'll be dropping in with Clues in between.
So, get going folks!!!!!

All the best!!!!
Team Treasure Trove


IT_Bits 'n' Bytes2008 said...

Clues for picture 4 and 6 please

Prateek Mishra said...

i know the third flag...its of co*********, but it does not seem to acept the answer...any clues?

Treasure Trove 2008 said...

You are almost there Prateek....just type in the expanded version of co...

Team Treasure Trove

Samir said...

please give clue for the 9th flag

Cosa Nostra said...

any clues for pic4?

Samir said...

for flag number 4, i have found out the answer(KA*****), but the system is not accepting it...could you kindly help me out plzzz

Samir said...

i have even found out the answer to the 3rd flag, but the system is not accepting the same ..guys plzzz help

Branny said...

Samir is right.....
Can u pl check the spelling........
Even I hv tried all...... and consumed 2 hrs on this only.........

Unknown said...

The quiz for day 4 will be up at what time?? any clues :(