Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 6: Final Clue

Pic 6: What you are seeing in the pic is a Map.
Pic 7: She has a Pulitzer prize connection.

Thats all for the day folks....C'ya tomorrow..


puneet said...

why are you guys giving clues only about 6th & 7th pic ... guess some NITIE people wanted them ... there has been no single clue about 4th & 8th pic. Unfair ... but then that seems to be a trend at NITIE.

rohit said... that a map???really??? thanx...that helps so much coz i had nve seen a map before....

rohit said...

and just so u know...i hav tried all names given to the building in pic 4...there is an exact same pic of the building with a name by which it is called and it is being displayed as a wrong answer....its a gate again...

Jayendra Katti said...

yeah its true......NITIE guys aren't even responding to the demand for more clues.....if the quiz is 'not' rigged, please be regular atleast to give out more clues!!!