Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 4 : Up and Running

After a high scoring round in Day 3, we come to the next set of questions.

The theme of this set is "Movies" . The pics depict the movie posters, with the name and credits edited out, of course.

My gut feeling is that this is going to be a feast for all. :)

Team Treasure Trove


manwiththelamp said...

there is no space to write the background movie name? the dialogue box is missing wat to do?

Unknown said...

can anyone provide some hint regarding the 8th movie ????

Unknown said...

clues guys....????
esp about the movies from some other languages...

Don Corleone said...

q1 and q2!!!s.o.s.

Sid J said...

clues for 1, 2 and 4